Nutrition Courses

Baby Food Weaning Course

A one-on-one consultation, delivered online

Literally every detail you’ll ever need to know from when your baby turns 6 months of age up until 2 years of age!

This 2-hour course is delivered live by Mama Melly - available in both English and Arabic.

We'll be in touch to schedule a date and time once the course has been purchased.

120.00 USD
120.00 USD

Topic Breakdown:

1) Importance of baby nutrition

2) When to start feeding baby solid food

3) Readiness signs

4) What food groups to begin with & how to create the introduction menu

5) Food groups allowed by age in months

6) Salt, sugar, fish, bread, & cheese

7) All about allergenic food groups

8) Textures and progression

9) All about baby-led weaning

10) How and when to introduce utensils

11) Picky eating: how to avoid / how to improve

12) Soaking ingredients

13) Best washing, cooking, and food warming methods

14) All about liquids

15) After 1: milk, snacks and more

16) Menu ideas

17) Multivitamins

18) Daycare and school tips

19) Healthy swaps

20) Food no-no's

21) How to choose a thermos

Toddler Nutrition Course

120.00 USD
120.00 USD

A one-on-one consultation, delivered online

The help you need to cruise through your little one's toddlerhood years.

This 2-hour course is delivered live by Mama Melly - available in both English and/or Arabic.

We'll be in touch to schedule a date and time once the course has been purchased.

Why You’ll Love This Type of Course

  • We join two expertise: baby feeding & infant nutrition. You need both for a comprehensive learning experience
  • 100% personalized to your questions and your family
  • It’s human and efficient
  • Access to unlimited free WhatsApp support post course